Transition Assistance Team


The California Army National Guard Transition Assistance Team provides information on benefits and entitlements to reserve Soldiers and their Families to prepare them for retirement; help Soldiers who are pending retirement and retirees understand the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP); and assist retirees with completing their retirement pay packet.


Welcome to the CAARNG Non-Regular Pre-Retirement Virtual Seminar!

The resources on this site have been provided by numerous community partners and you will find contact information within the documents. NGB has also provided links to their Soldier For Life Retirement briefing sites.

This information will be available until we are able to resume in person seminars. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the new “Transition Assistance Team” which is the group formerly referred to as Enlisted Retirement Section by email at or by phone at 916-854-3271

Policy Changes

  • In 2019, dental and vision insurance plans for retirees and their families will be available through the Federal employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP).


Army Echoes is the Army’s official newsletter for Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses. It updates the retired Army community about changes to laws, policies, programs, and benefits that affect them. All Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses with active myPay accounts now receive Army Echoes electronically at their email address in myPay. Update your email address in myPay.

Did you know the Army publishes articles to the Army Echoes Blog 3-5 days a week?  These are the same types of articles published in the Army Echoes Newsletter.  Retirement Blog.
