Retirement Services
Gray Area Retirees
- What is a Gray Area Retiree?
- Benefits for Gray Area Retirees
- Converting SGLI to VGLI
- How to get an I.D. card for yourself and your dependents
- Tricare for Retired Reserves
After you received your 20 year letter and you have transferred to the Retired Reserves (prior to being eligible for retired pay) you are considered a Gray Area Retiree.
Transferring to the Retired Reserves allows you and your family a “Retired Reserve” ID card (pink ID card). Your Retired Reserve ID card allows you the following:
- Tricare for Retired Reserves
- Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI)
- Access to military installations
- Commissary privileges
- PX/BX privileges (tax free)
- Class VI access (beverages)
- Limited space available travel
- Post/Base recreation facilities
- Temporary Lodging (space available)
- Post/Base Theater
- You may wear your uniform on appropriate occasions
- Please see the Additional Links for additional resources
You will not:
- Be paid while in the Retired Reserves (unless you are called to active duty).
- Be entitled to Legal Assistance.
- Be entitled to Service members Group Life Insurance (SGLI).
If you’re considering converting your SGLI to VGLI, you have up to 120 days after transfer to the retired reserves to make the conversion. Please see Additional Links to review your VA Life Insurance options.
To locate and I.D. Card site and schedule and appointment click here: RAPIDS Appointment Center
If you encounter a problem with their website call 1-800-538-9552. Remember to bring your required documents. If you’re not told what to bring, ask.
Tricare Retired Reserves is a premium based health plan for qualified retired Reserve members, their Families, and survivors.
To find out more, click here: Tricare