Trial Defense Services 

To submit a request for Counsel, complete the Defense Counsel Services Request Form

The mission of CAARNG TDS is to provide specified defense counsel services for Army National Guard (ARNG) Soldiers whenever required by law or regulation and authorized by the ARNG TDS, our higher headquarters. These services are representing Soldiers charged with military criminal offenses at trial; representing Soldiers during criminal investigations and before elimination or grade reduction boards; and counseling Soldiers regarding pretrial restraint, nonjudicial punishment, and various adverse administrative actions taken pursuant to military regulations.  CAARNG TDS will also develop programs and policies to promote the effective and efficient use of defense counsel resources and enhance the professional qualifications of all personnel providing defense services.

The information displayed on this website is meant for the sole use of Army National Guard Service Members in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Guam.  The information is general in nature and presented to assist those eligible persons for consultation or representation from defense counsel.

California Army National Guard
Trial Defense Service
10601 Bear Hollow Dr., Box 7
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Trial Defense Service – Okinawa Street Armory
629th JAG Det (TDS)
8450 Okinawa Street 
Sacramento, CA 95826
(916) 854-1236

Trial Defense Service – Bell Armory
5631 Rickenbacker Road, Bldg 1
Bell, CA  90201
(562) 594-1545