Procurement and Contracting
Doing Business with the Military Department
The Military Department encourages prospective contractors and vendors to consider programs and preferences that are available to Small Business (SBs), Disabled Veteran Enterprises (DVBEs) and other businesses covered by state programs.
The Military Department is committed to providing contracting opportunities to a diverse variety of suppliers in our communities.
We encourage you to review information and resources available, to learn more about purchasing and contracting opportunities with our State Agency.
- Non-IT Goods
- Non-IT Services
- IT Goods & Services
- Public Works
- SB/DVBE Advocate & SB Liaison
- Resources
Stay tuned for updates.
Stay tuned for updates.
Stay tuned for updates.
Stay tuned for updates.
Marcus Delfin
Procurement Equity Program Advocate (PEPA)
SB/DVBE Advocate, SB Liaison
California Military Department Headquarters
Comptroller, Purchasing & Contracting
10601 Bear Hollow Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 969-9002
The Role of the SB/DVBE Advocate
The CMD SB/DVBE Advocate represents the department statewide to the SB/DVBE and non-profit vendor community. The CMD Advocate supports the business community with information and program compliance, including payment assistance, certification assistance, bidding opportunities and California certification process.
Stay tuned for updates.