California Air National Guard

Helicopter, drone and airplane flying with airmen providing direction and control

More than 4,500 citizen airmen fill the ranks of our five wings which are strategically positioned across California to support the state and nation in times of need. Our highly specialized servicemen and women leverage a variety of aviation platforms and combat tested expertise to perform a full spectrum of missions. Whether we are dropping water on wildfires here in California, providing homeland air defense for all of the Western U.S. or offering direct support to combat commanders overseas, our airmen are always engaged to protect the state and nation.


​A ready, reliable, and relevant force, now and into the future.​


The California Air National Guard organizes, trains, and equips airmen to provide air, space, cyberspace, and support capabilities to the state and nation.

Core Competencies

​Develop Airmen… Organized, Trained, and Equipped

Enhanced User Capability Through Technology

Integrated Operations

Resource Acquisition and Management

Care for our Airmen, Civilian Employees and their Families


California Air National Guard Symbol

MG Steven Butow
Major General Steven J. Butow
California Air National Guard
Click here for Biography

CMSgt Seth Zweben
Chief Master Sergeant Seth M. Zweben
CA State Command Chief
California Air National Guard
Click here for Biographyopens in a new window


To be our Nation’s premier Air National Guard unit, unmatched in Personnel Recovery mission execution and Airmen development.


Federal: Train, prepare and conduct worldwide combat search and rescue operations, over land or water, in both hostile and permissive environments. The 129th Rescue Wing also provides Agile Combat Support capabilities to Combatant Commanders.

State: Support the Governor’s office during state emergencies and contingencies by providing a wide range of capabilities, to include specialized search/rescue and aerial fire-fighting.

129th Rescue Wing External Website