Office of the Inspector General

Inspector General U.S. Army Symbol
IGs are confidential advisers and impartial fact-finders for their commander, also known as a directing authority. Whenever possible, IGs work through and within the chain of command to maintain their viability, effectiveness, and relevancy.

IGs assist with improving unit readiness and warfighting capability. IGs perform four basic functions: Assistance, Investigations, Inspections, and Teaching & Training.

The Inspector General serves as an Extension of the Eyes, Ears, Voice and Conscience of The Adjutant General; focusing on the Readiness, Economy, Efficiency, Discipline, Training and Morale of California’s Army and Air National Guard.

IGs receive and process requests for assistance, complaints, or allegations from National Guard Soldiers, Airmen, Family members, Federal employees, Retirees, Veterans, Congressmen, Private citizens from any source (including anonymous) regarding operations, organizations, functions, and personnel issues.

IGs research regulatory guidance to identify issues, allegations, and IG appropriateness.

If you have a question, need assistance, or have a concern that your supervisor or chain of command cannot address, you should contact a local IG office for guidance. Anyone—including Service members, DOD and Army Civilian employees, Family members, retirees and their dependents, contract employees, Army non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees, and members of the general public—may submit a complaint, allegation, or request for information or assistance to any Army IG concerning a matter of Army or Air Force interest; however, not all matters are appropriate for IG action.
It is always best for the actual “complainant” or person who witnessed the alleged wrongdoing to file the complaint. If you have a concern and are unsure if you should file a complaint, contact your local IG office for guidance.

Army Guard: Soldiers must submit complaints to an IG within one year of learning of the alleged problem or wrongdoing, or within three years since the date of the problem or wrongdoing. National Guard Bureau-Army and Department of the Army IGs may accept complaints submitted three to five years after the alleged problem or wrongdoing when extraordinary circumstances justify the complainant’s delay in reporting the allegation or issue—or in cases of special Army interest. Any complaint over five years old requires the approval of The Inspector General of the Army.

Air Guard: Airmen must submit complaints to an IG within one year of learning of the alleged problem or wrongdoing. IGs may accept and refer complaints that exceed the above time requirements if the complaint is of special Air Force interest, or the complainant is able to demonstrate that he/she was unable to meet the time standards due to unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances, and such circumstances justify the delay. Complainants must submit IG complaints within one year of learning of the alleged wrong. IG complaints not reported within one year will normally be dismissed unless the complainant is able to demonstrate he/she was unable to meet the time requirements due to unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances and such circumstances justify the delay. IG complaints not reported within one year may seriously impede the gathering of evidence and testimony.

All military and civilian members have a duty to promptly report gross mismanagement; a violation of law, policy, procedures, or regulations; an injustice; abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct, or misconduct; and a deficiency or like condition, to an appropriate supervisor or commander, to an IG or other appropriate inspector, or through an established grievance channel. Complainants should attempt to resolve issues and personal complaints at the lowest level possible using command channels before addressing them to a higher level or to the IG. The immediate supervisory command chain can often resolve complaints more quickly and effectively than a higher level not familiar with the situation. The IG system should be used when referral to the command chain would be futile or there is fear of reprisal. The IG may dismiss a complaint if, given the nature of the alleged wrong and the passage of time, there is reasonable probability that insufficient information can be gathered to make a determination, and/or no special California National Guard interest exist to justify investigating the matter. IGs may also dismiss a complaint if there is no recognizable wrong or violation of law, regulation, or policy.

You may submit your complaint to any IG at any level including The Inspector General, Department of Defense (IG, DoD, SAF IG). However, AR 20-1, and DAFI 90-301, encourages service members to resolve complaints at the lowest level. Therefore, a good “rule of thumb” is to determine the lowest level commander (e.g., company/battalion commander, Numbered Air Force commander, or Major Command commander) who can “fix” the problem and submit your complaint to that commander’s IG. If you believe that commander is part of the problem, then submit your complaint to the IG of the next higher commander. You should generally start by submitting your complaint to your local Installation IG, who can provide guidance and determine if your complaint needs to be “elevated” to a higher-level IG or placed in a different grievance channel.

The IG does not generally handle matters that have established grievance channels, appeal channels, or methods of redress. If a policy directive or instruction provides a specific means of appeal or redress of a grievance, you must exhaust those appeal procedures before submitting a complaint to an IG. Further, you must be able to allege that the process was mishandled or handled prejudicially before an IG will process a complaint of mishandling. Mere dissatisfaction with the outcome of an appeal is not sufficient basis for an IG investigation.

    It’s natural for personal peeves to linger in our minds. However, there is little the IG can do about an issue that boils down to a peeve or dislike. Here is a Dining Facility example – If the cooks consistently turn out lousy chow, that’s a problem. If you don’t like the menu for one particular meal, then that’s a peeve.
    The chain of command can solve most problems. A Warrior’s chaplain, congressman, or local IG can help on occasion, but the Warrior must ultimately work with the chain of command. If you haven’t informed the chain of command about your issue and given them a chance to work it, in most cases, the IG will simply refer you back to your chain of command.
    The IG is a kind of “court of last resort.” If other remedies are available; they should be used first. If the proper system and/or the chain of command has not been able to solve the problem, then the IG may be appropriate.
    Complaints must be presented in a timely manner in order to be resolved effectively. An IG is not required to look into a complaint if the complainant has failed to present the matter within one year of learning of the alleged problem or wrongdoing, or if more than three years have elapsed since the date of the problem or wrongdoing.
    A great deal of time and effort can be wasted when a Warrior only presents half of the story. Very often, Warriors only present the information that they feel is in their favor. IGs only take action when they have all of the facts about a situation – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Save us all time and effort by providing all of the facts, even the ones that you don’t like, or don’t agree with.
    The IG cannot change a regulation just because it does not suit an individual. An IG can, however, recommend changes to regulations determined to be inappropriate or unfair.
    Some Warriors get upset when nothing seems to happen as a result of their complaint. Keep in mind that the IG can advise a commander but cannot order action. Commanders are obligated to take action when a regulation or standard has been broken, or when a Warrior has not been afforded due process. But if a commander has the authority to make the decision, and the decision does not violate a written procedural, legal, or ethical standard, the commander’s choice may stand.
    If the IG cannot find concrete proof, then he or she will not resolve the case in favor of the complainant. Just because a person says his or her supervisor has violated the rules does not make it a verifiable fact.
    The motto of the Inspector General Corps is “Droit et Avant,” which basically means “Be right, then move forward.” We have to do our homework first, to “be right.” Only after we have all of the pertinent facts and have thoroughly researched the appropriate regulations and standards will we take action in a situation. IGs employ a logical, thorough, and methodical approach to their work–which usually takes a great deal of time to achieve.
    IGs will be straight with you about their findings. Sometimes we say no or tell you that the chain of command was right, and/or that you were wrong. If you are absolutely certain the answer is wrong, and if you have some additional evidence to support that, then the case may be reconsidered. If, on the other hand, you simply don’t agree with the answer or the answer is not in your favor, it is not helpful to continue bringing the same issue with the same evidence to the IG.

IG Assistance: What does an IG do with my request for assistance?

IGs use a process called the Inspector General Action Process (IGAP). We will highlight some of the major steps of this process here. After receiving the issue, the IG will determine if the issue is “IG appropriate.” Is this an issue the IG should deal with, or is it more appropriate for another agency or for the chain-of-command? If the issue is not IG appropriate, the IG who received the issue/complaint will refer it to the appropriate agency or individual. If the issue is IG appropriate, then we will begin the fact-finding process. IGs will get all sides of the story before taking action, which often means finding the truth somewhere in the midst of conflicting viewpoints. After determining the facts of the situation, the IG will then determine the appropriate action. Usually, the IG will inform you telephonically or in writing of his or her finding. Due to the confidentially requirements for IGs, you will not always get the results if you are a third-party to the issue or the outcome does not directly affect you.

Answers to five common questions about bringing an issue to the IG:

  1. Who can go to the IG?
    Anyone can bring an issue to the IG: Warriors, DA civilian employees, family members, anonymous sources, members of the chain-of-command — anyone.
  2. What types of issues can I take to the IG?
    You can bring any issue to an IG. However, the IG will determine whether the issue should be dealt with by the IG, or if another agency should deal with the issue. For example, Equal Opportunity (EO) complaints are usually referred to an EO Representative. Disagreements over evaluations are dealt with using the existing evaluation appeals process.
  3. When can I go to the IG?
    Anytime, but with some exceptions. Your chain-of-command should not prohibit you from visiting the IG, but you must still perform your required duties and missions. In other words, you shouldn’t try to use a trip to the IG’s office to get out of something like a formation, field problem, Physical Fitness Test, etc.
  4. Why would I need to go to the IG?
    Again, you can bring any issue to an IG; including requests for help, information, as well as complaints. Usually, we can help you if you’ve tried to use the systems in place, but those systems haven’t worked. For example, if you have a pay issue that you have tried repeatedly to correct through your chain-of-command and Pay Section without success, we can often get the issue resolved.
  5. Where can I contact an IG or obtain additional IG Information?
    Departments of the Army and Air Force
    Office of the Inspector General- California National Guard
    10601 Bear Hollow Drive (Box 08)
    Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
    Main phone line: (916) 854-3580
    IG group e-mail:

Five questions the IG will ask you about an issue or complaint:

  1. Have you talked to your chain-of-command about the issue?
  2. What supporting documentation do you have?
  3. Where else have you requested assistance?
  4. What specifically are you asking the IG to do for you?
  5. What is your service branch and status (Active Duty, Reserve or National Guard)?

For Army Inspector General assistance, complete a DA Form 1559.

For Air Force Inspector General assistance, complete a DAF Form 102.

You can bring the form to the Inspector General’s Office, mail it, or send via e-mail. If you do not have access to this form, any legibly handwritten or typed letter is acceptable. Please include your complete mailing address, daytime telephone number, and e-mail address so we may contact you for clarification. In Addition, be sure to state the specific action you are requesting and include the following:

  1. The details as to what occurred to better inform us of what happened.
  2. Who you have contacted to try and resolve the issue (example: name of person in chain-of-command, name of supervisor, etc.).
  3. Copies of any documentation pertaining to the complaint.

Mail To:

Departments of the Army and the Air Force
Office of the Inspector General- California National Guard
10601 Bear Hollow Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Phone Numbers:

Commercial: (916) 854-3580 or (800) 200-3580
DSN: 466-3580
IG Group Email:  


FOIA- Army

The Inspector General closely controls IG records. This tight control is necessary because the unauthorized use or release of IG records can seriously compromise the IG’s effectiveness as a trusted adviser to the commander.  All IG records are the property of the Secretary of the Army, who has delegated release authority to The Inspector General of the Army (TIG). With the exception of inspection records, local IGs may not release IG records, even for official uses. Inspectors General are authorized to release limited information concerning potential allegations, witnesses, and evidence to follow-on Department of the Army investigators without first seeking approval from the DAIG Records Release Office.

Army Regulation 20-1, Inspector General Activities and Procedures, chapter 3 Inspector General Records, paragraph 3-6, Request for IG records states: “Requests to use IG records and information for official use must be in writing and submitted for action to the DAIG’s Records-Release Office, The U.S. Army Inspector General Agency (SAIG–JAR), 1700 Army Pentagon, Room 1E132, Washington, DC 20310–1700 or emailed to”


FOIA- Air National Guard

The Inspector General closely controls IG records.  This tight control is necessary because the unauthorized use or release of IG records can seriously compromise the IG’s effectiveness as a trusted advisor to the commander. 

Department of the Air Force Instruction 90-301, section 10E, paragraph 10.13.1 states: “The Initial Denial Authority, (IDA) is the denial authority for records that fall under their functional area. SAF/IG is the IDA for all IG records requested IAW DoDM 5400.07_AFMAN 33-302, Freedom of Information Act Program.” DAF/IG makes the following delegations: SAF/IGS is the IDA for senior official cases. SAF/IGQ is the IDA for all IG cases closed at SAF/IGQ level. MAJCOM, FLDCOM, NGB, FOA, or DRU IGs are the release authority for IG records at their level and below.

If you do not know or are unsure of the location of the information you are seeking, we encourage you to submit your request to:

Headquarters Air Force/AAII (FOIA)

1000 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1000
Phone: (703) 693-2735

Air Force FOIA