ESAD Travel Training and Support
Travel Expense Claim
Before you begin
Download the fillable form by following the link: STD 262 (PDF)opens in a new window
How to fill out STD 262 correctly
Section I:
SSN or Employer # – Leave Blank
Division or Bureau- Branch of Service
Both Residence and Headquarters Address- 10601 Bear Hollow Dr. Box 27E Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Section II:
Block 6- Duty Location City
Block 8- Authorized meals rates up to $7 Breakfast, $11 Lunch, and $23 Dinner, per state policy
Block 10D – Authorized only over 50 miles from HOR to duty location
Section III:
Block 14- write Mission and Incident
Block 15- Service member signature mandatory
Block 16- Approving officer signature mandatory
Complete the STD 262, then use the TEC link to submit your claim: Travel Expense Claimopens in a new window
TEC Training and Support
Defensive Drivers trainingopens in a new window