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Non-Rated MFR (Example) (.docx) 


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Non-Rated MFR (Example) (.docx) 
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NCOERs (.mp4)
Common access card (CAC) required to access link


SECTION NCOER GUIDANCE. The biggest issue is WOC Packets is NCOER’s. Suggested comment material NCOER sections for applicants that possess these:
IIId Emphasis:  Language, Systems, Missions
IIIe Duties:  Section Leader, Team Leader, Mission Leader, NCOIC
IVc Character:  SHARP, EO, Values
IVd Presence:  APFT, ACFT
IVe Intellect:  Certs, Tests, Qualifications, Training
IVf  Leads:  Leads x Section of y SM’s in MOS, Leads x SM’s in MOS on y mission
IVg Develops:  Professional Development of self and subordinates
Taught x class to y SM’s in MOS
IVh Achieves:  Became certified in x
Performed as x in exercise y
Executed x hours of MOS task y
IVj Rater Overall:  Rater should mention Warrant Officer Candidate performance
Rater should mention x SME level of performance
Vb Senior Rater:  Senior Rater must mention Warrant Officer Candidate potential

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