Camp Roberts
- Environmental
- ID Card Center
- Information Management
- Personnel
- Billeting
- Director of Plans
- Logistics
- Public Works
- Aviation Operations
The mission of the of the California Army National Guard Environmental Directorate is to support mission readiness of the CA ARNG by ensuring compliance of all CA ARNG facilities, activities and operations with all appropriate federal, state, local and military environmental laws and regulations.
- Carry out military and state support missions with minimal impact to the environment
- Comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local environmental laws, regulations, and ordinances
- Provide unit level training on environmental stewardship, compliance, and pollution prevention
- Maintain, restore, and enhance existing training sites
- Stop pollution at the source
Who We Support:
- Surface Maintenance Directorate
- Facilities Directorate
- Logistics Directorate
- Organization and Training Directorate
- Plans and Operations Directorate
- Staff Judge Advocate
- Policy and Liaison Directorate
- Aviation/Safety Directorate
- United States Property and Fiscal Directorate
- 40th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
- 100th Troop Command
- CA ARNG Training Sites
- Hazardous Materials Communication/Management
- Hazardous/Non-Hazardous solid Waste Management
- Pollution Prevention
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Materials
- Water Quality Management
- Spill Prevention Control Countermeasures Plans
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
- Monitoring/Reporting Requirements
- Air Quality Management
- Ozone Depleting Compounds
- Air Permits
- Air Inventories
- Above-ground Storage Tanks
- Underground Storage Tank Management
- Site Restoration/Remediation
- Risk Evaluation/Assessment
- Asbestos, Radon, Lead Based Paint Management/Abatement
- Pest Management
- Noise Reduction
- Environmental Review (NEPA)
- Natural Resources Management
- Endangered Species Management
- Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan
- Cultural Resources Management
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan
- Integrated Training Area Management
- Environmental Training
- Environmental Audits and Inspections
Points of Contact:
- Environmental Office Lead: (805) 238-8156
- Lead Wildlife Biologist: (805) 238-8399
- Lead Compliance Person: (805) 238-8922
- Lead Botanist: (805) 238-8063
- Cultural Resource Specialist: (805) 238-8013
- GIS Coordinator: (805) 238-8332
To provide Veterans, Military Members and their families current government identification cards.
- ID Card Hours: 0800-1500 Monday-Thursday
- Closed on federal holidays & 1130-1200 daily for Lunch
- By Appointment Only.
- Appointments must come in ten minutes early for your appointment. Please be on time. Customers 15 minutes late must reschedule. Appointments will be scheduled Monday through Thursday 0800 – 1500.
- Location: Camp Roberts, Building 6038
- Welcome Center Telephone: (805) 238-8574
You can use the Appointment Scheduler to schedule an appointment; Site ID: 620321: RAPIDS/DEERS/ID Card Appointment Scheduleropens in a new window
Walk-in Customers
- Camp Roberts does not accept walk-ins.
- Walk-in customers can go to NAS Lemoore. Please call to for availability at (559) 998-1224
- NAS Lemoore hours of operation are 0730-1540.
Cancel / Reschedule Appointments
- Customers will need to know their confirmation number to cancel/reschedule an appointment. Please keep a copy of your appointment confirmation page.
Branch of Service Requirements
Eligibility requirements vary for each Branch of Service and DoD Agency
- Proof of Identity is Mandatory
- Two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented to receive any ID card. Refer to the Department of Defense List of Acceptable Documents. All documents must be originals. Please review Department of Defense List of Acceptable Identity Documents (.pdf)opens in a new window for a complete list of accepted items.
- When a Social Security (SS) number is required, you may use an SS Card. Driver’s Licenses must have an actual date of expiration.
- Documentation
- All military/DOD dependents are required to bring in a signed DD FORM 1172.2 to be issued a new I.D card
- Students (21-23)must present a letter from their school registrar stating they are enrolled full-time at an accredited institution of higher learning with a signed DD FORM 1172.2.
- All court documentation must be ORIGINAL and issued by a federal, state, or county office indicating that it has been filed and recorded in the courthouse.
- All foreign documents must be originals with an Apostille and translated into English.
Lost or Stolen ID Card
The following procedures/documents are required to receive a replacement ID Card for ALL Lost or Stolen ID Cards along with two (2) acceptable forms of ID (Refer to the Department of Defense List of Acceptable Documents)
Lost or Stolen ID Card, Military Members
- A memorandum or Counseling Statement, and Sworn Statement from the Military Members Unit or Command describing the date, place, and circumstances of the loss or theft.
Lost or Stolen ID Card, DoD Contractor Personnel
- MP/Police Report statement or a memorandum from the contractor’s COR, COTR or CVS Trusted Agent (TA) describing the date, place, and circumstances of the loss or theft
Lost or Stolen ID Card, Family Members/Dependents
- MP/Police Report statement describing the date, place, and circumstances of the loss or theft. The sponsor must be present or provide a digitally signed (or wet signature, with a notarized endorsement) 1172.2 authorizing replacement of the ID card.
Lost or Stolen ID Card, Retirees
- MP/Police Report statement describing the date, place, and circumstances of the loss or theft.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility Requirements, Military Members
- Official documentation must be presented for any updates or changes (i.e. Promotion Orders, Name Change Memorandum, etc…). Must submit (2) valid forms of identification.
Eligibility Requirements, DoD Contractors
- All data must be previously input and verified through the Contractor Verification System (CVS). If going overseas, a Letter of Authorization (LOA) is required. Must have two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification.
Eligibility Requirements, Family Members
- Must have two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification and one of the following: Sponsor present or an original, unexpired Power of Attorney (POA), original DD Form 1172 (ID Card Application) signed by the Sponsor and a Verifying Official.
Eligibility Requirements, 100% DAV
- Letter from Department of Veteran Affairs showing member as an honorably discharged veteran rated as 100% service connected, authorizing commissary store and exchange privileges, DD Form 214 (Copy 4).
Eligibility Requirements, Full-Time Students 21-23
- Must be attending an accredited institution, Sponsor must be providing over 50% support, (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification and letter from Student Registrar’s Office or National Clearing House stating that they are enrolled full-time.
- The start date of eligibility will begin the date the sponsor updates DEERS to extend eligibility, not the date the child enrolled in college. If the student falls below full-time status, the ID card must be turned in to the local DEERS/ID Office.
Adding Family Members
- All documents must be original or a true certified copy.
- All foreign documents must have an Apostille and English translation. Please contact the Department of Foreign Ministry Affairs in the country of issuance or google “Apostille Certification & Country” to obtain guidance.
Adding Family Members, Spouse
- Marriage Certificate/License, birth certificate, SS Card, photo ID issued by state or local government and Final Divorce Decree, annulment or death certificate from the previous marriage.
Name Change for Spouse upon Enrollment
- The name may only be changed if the spouse provides at least one identity source document listed on the OMB I-9 form such as a Social Security Card or valid Drivers License reflecting the name change.
Adding Family Members, Former Spouse
- Marriage Certificate/License, Final Divorce Decree, DD Form 214 (Copy 4), if available, Military ID Card (DD Form 1173), photo ID issued by state or local government, and SS Card.
Adding Family Members, Children
- If parents are not married, see illegitimate child section below.
- Birth certificate and social security card (if received).
Adding Family Members, Step Children
- Marriage Certificate/License, birth certificate, and social security card required
Adding Family Members, Adopted Children
- Final Adoption Decree or documentation from authorized placement agency under the Department of Human Services, birth certificate, and social security card.
Adding Family Members, Ward
- Court order granting custody to the Sponsor. The court order must stipulate that the child will be in the care and custody of the Sponsor for no less than twelve (12) consecutive months. Birth certificate and SS card.
Adding Family Members, Illegitimate Children
- Birth certificate, social security card, and one of the following: Dependency Determination from DFAS, voluntary acknowledgment of paternity from the State in which the child was born or court order establishing paternity.
Adding Family Members, Child Born Overseas
- FS 240 (Consular Report of Birth Abroad) or DS Form 1350 (Certification of Report of Birth) and social security card.
DFAS Packets, Incapacitated Child
- DFAS approval (DD 1172 and DD 27-88), photo ID, SS card and medical sufficiency statement (memorandum from a doctor).
DFAS Packets, Parent/Parent in Law
- DFAS approval (DD 1172 and DD 27-88), photo ID, SS card, birth certificate and birth certificate of the sponsor. Parent-in-law: in addition to above documentation, please include birth certificate and marriage certificate of sponsor and spouse.
DFAS Packets, Ward
- DFAS approval (DD 1172 and DD 27-88), birth certificate, SS card and photo ID if over 18 yrs of age.
DFAS Dependency Approval
- The ID Card Facility does not handle the approval for these packets. Contact DFAS to get your packets. Once completed you must mail or fax to DFAS. All packets need to be re-certified every 4 years.
Adding Family Member, Notes
- Only newborns and foreign nationals can be enrolled without an SS Card. The SS Card must be provided once received to continue receiving medical benefits.
Former Remarried Spouses
- Letter from Department of Veteran Affairs showing re-established relationship.
- Divorce Decree
- Access to Base (Entry into the base will require you to present your appointment confirmation form to the front gate).
The mission of the Department of Information Management is to support the automation, telecommunications and the spectrum needs of Camp Roberts and customer units
Points of Contact
- DOIM OIC: (805) 238-8453
- Telecom: (805) 238-8002
- Distance Learning Center: (805) 594-6637 (Please call in advance to reserve a classroom)
- DSN: 630-6637
- Camp Roberts Help Desk: (805) 238-8238
External Links
Manages the installation accounting programs; provides management analysis and improvement programs; statistical reporting; manpower management; program review and analysis; budgeting and programming analysis; finance, accounting, and disbursement support; training site agreements and utilization fees.
Points of Contact
- Director of Personnel and Community Activities:
- Agreements, MWR, ID cards, troop services, SRP operations, PAO, personnel and resource management.
(805) 238-8286
- Agreements, MWR, ID cards, troop services, SRP operations, PAO, personnel and resource management.
- Public Affairs Officer:
- News releases, VIP representative, news articles, installation economic analyst, historian.
(805) 238-8286
- News releases, VIP representative, news articles, installation economic analyst, historian.
- State Personnel Services:
- State civil service & SAD personnel management, training officer for all status employees.
(805) 238-8208
- State civil service & SAD personnel management, training officer for all status employees.
- Human Resource Specialist:
- Federal personnel management and copier services.
(805) 238-8165
- Federal personnel management and copier services.
- Troop Service Support:
- Gym, Phoenix Recreation Center, MWR BBQ trailers, RV storage, troop service support, medical waste management, med aid station, ATM machine, Internet Cafe, Record Keeping and Web Portal Management.
(805) 238-8379
- Gym, Phoenix Recreation Center, MWR BBQ trailers, RV storage, troop service support, medical waste management, med aid station, ATM machine, Internet Cafe, Record Keeping and Web Portal Management.
- Business Services Specialist:
- Purchasing, licensing and contracting.
(805) 238-8216
- Purchasing, licensing and contracting.
- Welcome Center (Family Assistance Specialist):
- (805) 238-8310
- ID Card Center:
- CAC ID card and dependent ID card operations.
(805) 238-8574
- CAC ID card and dependent ID card operations.
The mission at Camp Roberts is to facilitate the training, mobilization and security of the National Guard, Army Reserve and Active Component units in support of Federal, State and community missions.

Billeting Office at Camp Roberts CA
Camp Roberts offers both billets, which range from small houses to single unaccompanied personnel BOQ and BEQ, to an RV park for those wishing to stay in their Motor Homes. The Camp Roberts Billeting Office is located in Building 6037, across from the athletic field. Billeting office hours are 0800-1630. We close from 1200 – 1300 for lunch break. Please call for current rates. Check out time is 1100 each day. Check-in time is 1400. The rate for the RV Park is $10.00 per night. All sites have full hook ups. Reservations* can be made by calling (805) 238-8304, or DSN 949-8304. The fax number is (805) 238-8384.
*Note: Reservations will be secured with a credit card number. VISA, Master Card, Discover, and American Express are accepted. No-shows will be assessed as a one night stay. No charges will be applied if cancellations are received prior to 1200 hours on the day of arrival.
This is one of our newly remodeled rooms in building 6013.
These are a few of the remodeled rooms in building 6003.
To provide and facilitate training, mobilization, safety and security for the National Guard, Army Reserve, and Active Component units in support of State, Federal and Community Missions.
Operations can be contacted at the following email address:
Points of Contact
- Operations
- Operations Email:
- Operations Office: (805) 238-8647
- Operations NCO (scheduling and Coordination): (805) 238-8206
- Range Control
- Range Control Operations Manager: (805) 238-8205
- Range Control NCOIC: (805) 238-8503
- Range Firing Desk Operator: (805) 238-8269
- Mobilization Planning: (805) 238-8447
To provide logistical support in all classes of supply to units in training and during Mobilization.
Points of Contact
- Logistics Officer: (805) 238-8430
- Housing and Services: (805) 238-8313
- Fuel Branch (POL): (805) 238-8314
- Maintenance Division: (805) 238-8184
- Property Book: (805) 238-8492
- Transportation Branch: (805) 238-8494
- Shipping and Receiving: (805) 238-803
- Central Issue Facility (CIF) Email Address:
Provide installation facilities and infrastructure engineering, master planning, and support functions in order to enhance the readiness and quality of life of the service members and their families living and working at Camp Roberts, while defining a strategy to meet future requirements.
Points of Contact
For Daily and Routine Maintenance, DPW Public Works and DPW Supply and Services.
Emergency Services Division
- Emergency On Post Only: (805) 238-8911
- Bldg 4050 Emergency from Cell: (805) 238-8911
- Emergency Services Duty Phone: (805) 238-8220
- Fire/Security Chief Duty Phone: (805) 238-8406
- Fire Security Chief Cell Phone: (805) 602-8877
- Fire Security Chief Fax: (805) 238-8079
Points of Contact
- Airfield Manager COMM: (805) 238-8935
- ATC and Airspace Coordinator COMM: (805) 238-8203
- Airspace Information Center (Roberts Radio) COMM: (805) 238-8181 or 8182