J-9 Facilities and Infrastructure



Our mission is to acquire, develop, and maintain land and facilities; to support the administration, training, and readiness of the California National Guard; and to develop and enhance relationships to maximize the value of our facilities to our soldiers and the communities we serve.

Core Competencies

  1. Achieve full, and on time compliance, with planning, reporting, and regulatory requirements, identified in the CAFE master calendar.
  2. Complete full design of new facilities during the fiscal year in which design funding is received.
  3. Fully execute a construction contract for each project in the year of appropriation.
  4. Improve the appearance of our facilities.  Modernize/renovate three armories per state fiscal year.
  5. Develop maintenance plans that identify requirements, course of action, and time lines three years out.
  6. Improve the effectiveness of our maintenance teams.
  7. Develop and execute a funding plan that supports our modernization and maintenance programs.
  8. Secure a State baseline budget increase of $2,000,000 dedicated to armory maintenance.
  9. Develop a full service and focused real estate program.
  10. Modernize training sites.
  11. Establish and maintain a program, that actively encourages mutually beneficial partnerships with communities and positive working relationships with the individuals, governmental entities, and private industries with which we work.

License to use State Readiness Center or Facility

Who can rent an armory?

  • Individuals at least 23 years-of-age (CA Driver’s License verification)
  • Commercial entities
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Guard employees or service members
  • No unincorporated associations or groups – only as individuals.

What kinds of activities or events are permitted?

  • Weddings
  • Wedding receptions
  • Quinceaneras
  • Birthday parties
  • Baptisms
  • Luncheons
  • Banquets
  • Funeral receptions (wakes)
  • Business meetings or training
  • Festivals
  • Fundraisers
  • Various community (youth) activities
  • CAARNG-sponsored or supported activities
  • Unit Social Events
  • Family Support
  • Recruiting and Retention
  • Drug Demand Reduction

What is included in the rental fee?

Standard rental generally applies to the drill floor, latrines, kitchen for food service (not preparation), and available off street parking.

Is insurance coverage required?

  • U.S. Government or California agencies may license armories without providing evidence of insurance.
  • Government entities must provide proof if self-insured.
  • All others must provide a certificate of insurance stating: “The insurer will not cancel the insured’s coverage without 30 day’s prior written notice to the State. The United States, State of California, its officers, agents, employees, and servants are included as additional insured, but only with respect to the activities of the named insured”.

What does it cost to rent an armory?

No cost:

  • Official Military Department functions only.

Minimum Rate ($25/hr):

  • Official functions of government entities or functions sponsored by the unit (unless waived by the Adjutant General)
  • Nonprofit: known to Armory Cmdr. (AC)
  • Nonprofit: unknown to AC; Sec. State “Good Standing Cert.”

Standard Rate ($75/hr):

  • Nonprofit organizations or the general public for private functions.
  • Individuals
  • Nonprofit: unknown to AC; without corporate status validation

Commercial Rate ($150+/Hr):

  • Sole proprietors and for-profit corporations

Additional Space Rate:

  • Additional space such as classrooms or locker rooms may be licensed at a rate of $0.10 per hour per square foot.

Mission Statement

Receive and account for all funds and property of the United States Government in the possession of the National Guard of the specified state/territory. Ensure Federal funds are obligated and expended in conformance with applicable statutes and regulations. Make returns and reports on Federal funds and property directed by the CNGB and the appropriate Service Secretary. Advise and assist the units/activities within the state/territory to ensure Federal resources are used in accordance with Department of the Army or Air Force directives and implemented by the CNGB. 

California National Guard Symbol

Points of Contact

​Facilities and Engineering
(916) 854-3320
Fax: (916) 854-3643